Join Joanna The Healer as she guides you through a powerful process of Shamanic Breathwork Journey
What is Shamanic Breathwork
Shamanic Breathwork is a powerful breathing practice that involves guided circular breathing, breath retention, and toning and is facilitated by a trained guide.
Shamanic Breathwork stands out as a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation.
It’s not merely a breathing exercise but a profound journey inward, merging rhythmic breathing, evocative music, and focused intention to unlock the depths of the subconscious mind.
By engaging in shamanic breathwork, you can connect with your inner self, traverse deeper levels of consciousness and liberate emotional blockages that may hinder your personal growth.
Benefits of Shamanic Breathwork:
Detoxify and energize your body
Shamanic Breathwork facilitates deep oxygenation of the body, aiding in the removal of toxins and revitalizing cells.
As you breathe rhythmically, you flood your system with fresh oxygen, promoting detoxification at a cellular level and leaving your body in more alkaline state*
This process can leave you feeling rejuvenated, energized and more in tune with your body’s natural rhythms.
*Alkaline state is health-promoting, as opposed to acidic state, which is dis-ease promoting. Prolonged stress, as an example, puts the body in an acidic state.
Dig up past trauma
One of the remarkable aspects of Shamanic Breathwork is its capacity to unearth buried emotions and past traumas stored within the subconscious mind.
Through rhythmic breathwork and immersive music, individuals can access realms of their psyche that may have been long suppressed. By confronting and processing these emotional wounds, healing and transformation become possible.
Gain an understanding of yourself
It’s easy to lose sight of our true selves amidst the noise and distractions of today’s world.
Shamanic Breathwork offers a pathway back to self-awareness and inner clarity. It is through exploring the depths of your own consciousness, that you can gain profound insights into your thoughts, feelings, and behavioural patterns.
This heightened self-awareness fosters personal growth, authenticity, and a deeper connection with one’s purpose.
Process your emotions
Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, yet many struggle to effectively process and release them.
Shamanic Breathwork provides a safe and supportive space to explore and express emotions fully.
Through the power of breath and sound, individuals can move stagnant energy, release pent-up emotions, and experience profound emotional catharsis.
This process promotes emotional balance, resilience and a greater sense of inner peace.
And so much more…
About Joanna
Joanna The Healer – Self Mastery Mentor, Channeller of Higher Consciousness with over 20 years of experience in diverse backgrounds in Mediumship, Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapy, Master Life Coaching, Energy Healing and Shamanic Breathwork.
Joanna guides you towards re-discovering your GREATNESS, that is; to RE-MEMBER who you really are beyond the limiting constructs of your human ego. As a POWERFUL, MASTERFUL Creator, you already create your own reality, albeit mostly unconsciously.
Joanna’s deep understanding of the subconscious mind helps you tap into your Inner Master and your Divine Power consciously, so that you can experience your life to the fullest extent of your potential.
Her life’s passion and mission is to champion people from all walks of life to move past limitations, (mostly stored in the subconscious mind) – and step boldly back into your natural birthright of health, peace, joy, success, love, abundance, creativity and your GREATNESS!